Dylan Koger

Permanent: 1799 Hurricane Creek Road | Gurley, AL 35748

Current: 549 Heritage Court | Auburn, AL 36830

(256) 975-5952 | drk0012@auburn.edu


Profile Statement

Sophomore in Software Engineering who offers great critical thinking skills, interpersonal skills, creativity, and dedication to academics. Looking to gain practical work experience and willing to put in hard work to learn what is required to become a successful software engineer and developer.

Skills and Qualifications

Computer Literacy:  IBM/PC and Apple Macintosh systems

Operating Systems and Software: Windows, Microsoft Office, MacOS, MacOS iWork Suite, VSCode, and XCode

Programming Languages: Java, Python, C, C++, Swift, HTML, CSS

Relevant Coursework: Digital Logic Circuits and Fundamentals of Computing (JAVA) I & II


Auburn University | Auburn, AL | May 2024

Bachelor of Software Engineering

·         GPA: 3.56/4.00 | Dean’s List Fall 2020


Auburn University Library – Auburn, Alabama

Innovation and Research Commons - Student Assistant (January 2021–Present)

·         Supervise commons for research and data development.

·         Teach students skills for research and using productivity software to help with studies.

·         Problem-solve and troubleshoot technology in the Dataspace computer and research lab.

·         Utilize and gain strong interpersonal and communication skills to better serve students and researchers.

·         Promote students to take advantage of offers from Auburn such as the Adobe Suite, Microsoft Office, and other free library services.

SCI Technology Incorporated – Huntsville, Alabama

Software Engineering Co-op (January 2022 – Present)

·         Development and testing of embedded software

·         Hands-on learning of Software languages and principles.

·         Software construction in languages such as C, C++, and python


Auburn University Marching Band Drumline (2020–2022)

Academic Excellence Program (2020–Present)